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Awards and Accreditation

2025 Niche Best Schools

Capistrano Valley Christian Schools is a 2010 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. This award honors public and private elementary, middle, and high schools whose students achieve at very high levels. Our work reflects the conviction that every child has promise and must receive a quality education. 

Capistrano Valley Christian Schools is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). 

What are the main benefits of an accredited Christian school?

Accreditation is a great way to assess your school’s performance in foundational areas of Christian education: 

  • Bible Knowledge and Biblical Worldview 
  • Academic Excellence 
  • Life Skills and Practical Application of Knowledge 
  • Character building and Spiritual Formation.

Accreditation is a very involved lengthy process that a school voluntarily decides to do. It encourages ongoing improvement through continual self-assessment and systematic school development. So what are the benefits?

  • You are assured that the school is true to their mission and core values.
  • You are confident in the education your children are receiving because the school has been audited and has surpassed the important components of a quality education.
  • You know that the school values excellence in educating your children. Accreditation does not stop after they receive their certification. Schools that go through this process are interested in constantly improving the quality of education they provide. They are evaluated on a regular basis and work at improving based on feedback of the accreditation team.
  • As your children continue their education, accredited schools are recognized with confidence by other schools.


CVCS Earns Highest Accreditation Status from ACSI and WASC

Capistrano Valley Christian Schools has earned the highest accreditation status, a six-year renewal from the dual accrediting organizations of Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

Dual accreditation is often more difficult to achieve because there are broader and deeper evaluations of school performance, including a higher requirement for teacher and administrator training and certification, and a detailed focus on biblical elements of instruction and organizational practice. When a school achieves dual accreditation, it has demonstrated its ability to meet rigorous academic, operational, and instructional standards.

The visiting committee from ACSI/WASC, which included professionals from other private schools in the California region, toured the school, observed classrooms, met with board members, and conducted interviews with faculty, staff, parents and students extensively in March 2023, with a formal accreditation being granted on May 3.