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Students hands on laptop computer

At Capistrano Valley Christian Schools, we prioritize a learning experience that is uniquely creative, engaging, and collaborative. CVCS students create authentic work for real audiences while being prepared for academic success and future career opportunities. Our technology program is designed to support these goals in every class and at every grade level. In a modern academic setting, proficiency with technology is not only a benefit—it’s a necessity. As a result, our classes are equipped with cutting-edge tools and are facilitated by teachers trained to maximize the use of technology.

Our high school is a 1-to-1 Apple environment, where every teacher and student is equipped with their own MacBook Air. Students are able to take their MacBooks home with them to complete schoolwork. MacBooks provide our students with reliability, fast performance, industry-leading battery life, easy access to creative and collaborative tools, increased safety, among other benefits. Additionally, every classroom is equipped with a fast and secure Wi-Fi network and a large 4K TV with an Apple TV for screen-sharing. 

All of our high school students also use Canvas to view class materials, submit assignments, view grades and feedback from teachers, and much more. For more information on Canvas, including how current students and parents can log into and use Canvas, please visit the Canvas Hub on our website.

If you have any questions about the technology program at CVCS, please contact our Educational Technologist, Mr. Joseph Jasper, at