The CVCS library provides books, computers, information databases, and fun and educational activities by a full-time librarian. The library is a safe haven for all students to think, create, share, and grow.
Summer Reading
Summer Reading Challenge for Students Entering Grades 1-6
Did You Know?
All young people experience learning loss when they do not engage in educational activities during the summer. Research spanning 100 years shows that students typically score lower on standardized tests at the end of summer vacation than they do on the same tests at the beginning of the summer.Reading will help you to prevent “summer slide/learning loss” and will introduce you to some GREAT BOOKS! This year you will get extra points for all books related to countries outside the United States.
To earn prizes, turn in a completed form within the first week of school. Completed means title/author/number of pages read and signed by the parent confirming the accuracy of the completed reading. Please underline the titles of all the Around the World in 75 Days books. Please see the list of suggested books that go with the theme to inspire you.
Each student who participates will receive a reading award/certificate. Students entering first grade may log minutes read with a parent. The charts signed by your parents will need to be submitted to your teacher no later than Friday, August 23. Three top readers from each grade level will be awarded shopping points for our AR Store (1st place 30 points, 2nd place 25 points, and 3rd place 20 points).
Suggested reading time is a minimum of 20 minutes per day. Please check out books from your Public Library.
If you have a smart phone, AR BookScanner app will help you to assess the AR reading levels while in the public library or in the book store. website is another helpful tool to check book level, or simply use the 5 Finger Rule. Read and have lots of FUN!
Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader Resources
AR Renaissance Home Connect allows you to check your student's goals and AR progress. Enter the username and password your student uses to take AR tests at school.
Accelerated Reader Bookfinder
Use the link below to find Accelerated Reader titles. For the best search, go to the Advanced Search Tab. Select your child's grade level in the Interest Level field and then enter their ATOS Book Level (this is on your child's STAR Reading Report, which came home from their teacher.) Under Additional Criteria, select the type of book you are looking for (autobiography, animal book etc.) Please remember: the CVCS library does not have all AR books; check the library catalog if you plan to check it out from school. You can check if the books you have already at home are AR books and their level and number of points.
AR Quizzes can be taken only at school between 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Library Policies
Check-out Guidelines
Number of books students are allowed to check out:
- Kindergarten - 2 books for 1 week
- 1st Grade - 2 books for 1 week
- 2nd Grade - 3 books for 1 week
- 3rd Grade - 3 books for 2 weeks
- 4th Grade - 4 books for 2 weeks
- 5th Grade - 4 books for 2 weeks
- 6th - 12th Grade - 5 books for 3 weeks
Books can be renewed up to three times as long as the book is not on hold by another student. Parents may also request an account and check out up to five books for a period of three weeks.
Damaged and Lost Book Policies
If a book becomes lost or damaged, the student will be billed for the replacement cost. If book is returned by the end of school year, the charge will be refunded.
On June 5, 2025, the student or parent will incur a non-refundable charge for the replacement cost of unreturned library books and textbooks.
Book Donations
CVCS Students Love to Read!
Our library welcomes book donations from students and parents.
Gently Used Books
You can help the library by donating gently used books. We are looking for fiction and non-fiction books that would be enjoyed by students in the K-12th grades. Just bring your items to the library during regular library hours. Any books that cannot be used by us will be donated to the Orange County Friends of the Library.
Thank you so much for your generosity. Your donations benefit all of our wonderful CVCS students!