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Uniforms are available for purchase at

Eagle Outfitters

The CVCS Spirit Wear Store

General Guidelines

Dress Code Policy

At CVCS, we believe that a student's personal appearance significantly impacts their attitude, behavior, and, consequently, their learning process. Respect for both the individual and the school is demonstrated by an attitude of "dressing up" for school. Our dress code is designed to assist students in making decisions about appropriate dress, personal responsibility, and self-discipline. Students are expected to appear in uniform, neat, clean, and well-groomed at all times.

Our dress code is based on modesty, neatness, cleanliness, good taste, and safety. Students must refrain from wearing tight-fitting and revealing clothing and avoid displaying visible cleavage, visible underwear, bare midriffs, etc. Attire that is distracting or extreme is also prohibited. Clothing and uniforms should be in good repair and appropriate to the occasion and gender-appropriate.

Faculty and staff members have both the right and obligation to refer any student not complying with the dress code to the Dean of Students Office for a dress code violation. Parents, as the primary educators of their children, are responsible for ensuring their son or daughter adheres to the dress code daily while on campus and at school functions. Students should dress modestly and in accordance with the school's uniform and philosophy when attending all school events. Repeat violators will receive consequences that increase in length and severity, up to and including suspension from class, school and/or withdrawal or expulsion from CVCS.

Uniforms can be purchased at Eagle Outfitters. Outerwear and Spiritwear may be purchased through the Eagle Outfitters.

Monday through Thursday- Collared CVCS logo shirt, khaki or navy blue pants or shorts, or a uniform CVCS skirt.

Fridays- Any CVCS spirit wear, CVCS Friday shirts, CVCS athletic wear, and full-length blue jeans only (black pants, jean shorts, or any denim shorts are not permitted as part of the Friday dress code. All bottoms must be full-length and free from rips or excessive embellishments.

It is the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian to assure that the student is in proper attire while at school and at all school activities and events.

Clothing must be clean and neat in appearance. Additional markings from pens, paint or other (permanent or temporary) is prohibited from being placed on clothing or on the skin.

Boys and Girls Wardrobe

All students must be covered completely from mid-thigh (5” above knee) to top of chest and back in non-see-through and non-revealing materials.

  • When walking, sitting, bending or lifting the arms, the midriff or any of the side/back/underarm area of the torso must not be visible.

  • Holes or rips in jeans on Fridays are not permitted.

  • Outer garments should be size appropriate and conceal all undergarments.

  • Sleepwear, including slippers (crocs included) and blankets, are not allowed. 

  • Exceptions are made on predetermined and school sanctioned “dress-up” days only.

Clothing must be free of obscene or inappropriate words and/or logos.

This includes writing and/or graphics that may be perceived as racially insensitive, sexually suggestive, culturally demeaning, or politically charged.

Dress Code Violation Consequences

Elementary dress code violations will be handled by the teacher and contact the parent if necessary. 

Junior High and High School - this is a guideline of consequence. We want to address with a heart, but also uphold clear expectations for our JH/HS students. Depending on the severity, additional consequences can be applied. Violations will be addressed by the Dean as deemed necessary by our school guidelines and at the discretion of the administration. The violation consequences DO NOT start over at the semester. Students are expected to adhere to the guidelines the entirety of the school year.

Students will not be allowed in class if they are not in dress code. They will wait in the school office until parents can provide them with proper clothing.

If students are out of dress code, they will not be able to return until they are in proper attire. The front office will call the parent to bring a uniform if necessary.



Infraction 1 - Verbal or written warning, documentation as behavior notice,
In some cases the student may need wait in office until parents drop off proper uniform

Infraction 2 - Infraction #1 and detention

Infraction 3 - Infraction 1 and 2, detention and 1 hr of community service

Infraction 4 - Infraction 1-3, Saturday School and Parent Meeting

Infraction 5 - Off campus suspension