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Dress Code Policy

Uniforms are available for purchase at Dennis Uniforms

School Code: AN0CVC


General Guidelines

All students must follow the uniform guidelines/clothing norms at school and all school sponsored events. This includes, but is not limited to, school activities, field trips, and any other school sponsored event. Teachers and/or administration will conduct enforcement of the dress code. Students and Dean of Students will be notified, in writing, of the violation and related consequences. Repeat violators will receive consequences that increase in length and severity, up to and including suspension from class, school and/or withdrawal or expulsion from CVCS.

Uniforms are to be purchased at Dennis Uniforms. Outerwear and Spiritwear may be purchased through the Eagle Spirit Store.

Monday through Thursday: Collared CVCS logo shirt, khaki or navy blue pants or shorts, or a uniform - Dennis Uniforms purchased - CVCS skirt.

Fridays- Any CVCS spiritwear, CVCS Friday shirts, CVCS athletic wear and blue jeans only.

It is the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian to assure that the student is in proper attire while at school and at all school activities and events. Clothing must be clean and neat in appearance. Additional markings from pens, paint or other (permanent or temporary) is prohibited from being placed on clothing or on the skin. All students must be covered completely from mid-thigh (5” above the knee) to top of chest and back in non-see-through and non-revealing materials.

  • When walking, sitting, bending or lifting the arms, the midriff or any of the side/back/underarm area of the torso must not be visible.

  • Holes or rips in jeans on Fridays are not permitted.

  • Outer garments should be size appropriate and conceal all undergarments.

  • Sleepwear, including slippers (crocs included) and blankets, are not allowed. 

  • Exceptions are made on predetermined and school-sanctioned “dress-up” days only.

Clothing must be free of obscene or inappropriate words and/or logos.This includes writing and/or graphics that may be perceived as racially insensitive, sexually suggestive, culturally demeaning, or politically charged.

Boys and Girls Wardrobe